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We have available Braque d'Auvergne puppies!

More, detailed info on our PUPPIES page.

Fresh health results

Khyannes Mon Exclusif 'ARIELLE' - HD-A/A, ED 0:0, OCD clear, Pat 0/0

Khyannes Midas Touch 'GINGER' - HD-A/A, ED 0:0, OCD clear, Pat 0/0

Khyannes Kingdom Come 'KINGSTON' - HD-A/A, ED 0:0, OCD clear
Owner: Orsolya Vadócz

Khyannes My Way or the Highway 'VIVIENNE' - HD-B/B, ED 0:0
Owner: Eva Ekestern (SWE)


Fresh show results

Agárd IDS, Hungary - 25 August 2024

Khyannes Midas Touch 'GINIE' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, Jun.CACIB

Khyannes Hoille Noire II. 'NOLEEN' - CAC, CACIB

Khyannes Mon Exclusif 'ARIELLE' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, Jun.CACIB, BOB

Judge: Jana Janek (SK)

With this result, Arielle is now JUNIOR INTERCHAMPION!

Setter Club Show , Agárd - 25 August 2024

Khyannes Midas Touch 'GINIE' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, Junior Clubwinner'24

White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' - Exc. IV/V.

Judge: Olivia Ní Chárthaigh (IRE)

Österreichischer Setter Club Show - June 23, 2024
Burg Lichteinstein, Austria

White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' (intermediate class) - Exc.1., CACA, Clubwinner male, BOB
Khyannes Midas Touch 'Gini' (junior class) - Exc.1., Jugendbester, Junior Clubwinner,

Judge: Pam Play, UK

This was the third Club show my setters took part in, all with specialist, UK judges.
AJ took the Club Winner title all three times, Ginger took the Junior Club Winner title twice
from Junior class, once winning JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW and
one time she was Best Puppy in Breed with RESERVE JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW!

I am so proud of my babies.

ÖKEV Setter Clubshow - May 25, 2024
Kohfidisch, Austria

White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' (intermediate class) - Exc.1., CACA, Clubwinner male
Khyannes Midas Touch 'Gini' (junior class) - Exc.1., Jugendbester, Junior Clubwinner, Best Bitch 1., BOS

Judge: Jean Collins-Pitman, UK

The star of the day was our Gini , no doubt. Being 9 months and a few days old and it was her second show, this little girl became best bitch beating even the champion bitch.

2xCAC, 1x CACIB dog show - May 18, 2024
Mol-Ada, Serbia

- Khyannes Mon Exclusif 'Arielle' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, Junior BOB, BOB
- Khyannes Jean d'Arc 'Elysée' - CAC, BOB
- Khyannes Midas Touch 'Gini' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, Junior BOB, BOS
- White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' - CAC, BOB


- Khyannes Mon Exclusif 'Arielle' - Junior CACIB, Best Junior, Junior BOB, BOB
- Khyannes Jean d'Arc 'Elysée' - CAC, CACIB, BOB
- Khyannes Midas Touch 'Gini' - Junior CACIB
- White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' - CAC, CACIB, BOB

Special CAC for Group VII:

- Khyannes Mon Exclusif 'Arielle' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, Junior BOB, BOB
- Khyannes Jean d'Arc 'Elysée' - CAC, BOB
- Khyannes Midas Touch 'Gini' - Junior Winner
- White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' - CAC, BOS

By the way, with these results Arielle and Gini became Junior Champions of Serbia
and AJ and Elysée became Champions and also Grand Champions of Serbia.


Hungarian Setter and Pointer Clubshow and Open show - May 11, 2024
Gödöllő, Hungary

A day that exceeded all my expectations.

Club Show:

- White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' (intermediate class) - CAC, Clubwinner'24, Best male 1., BOS
- Khyannes Midas Touch 'Gini' (puppy class) - Best Puppy in Breed and

Judge: Patricia Butler-Holley (UK)

Hungarian OPEN show:

- White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' (intermediate class) - Best male 1., BOB, BEST IN SHOW IV.
- Khyannes Midas Touch 'Gini' (puppy class) - Best Puppy in Breed, Best Bitch 4.

Judge: Ann Paleski (SE)

Our autumn working results:

14 October 2023 - Kunhegyes

Khyannes Houssard 'Loup' - successful VAV exam

Our autumn show results:

Agárd National Dog Show - 03 September 2023

Khyannes Royale - CAC, BOS
Oceane des Puys d'Auvergne - CAC, BOB
Thor de la Vallée d'Ustou - JW, BJ, BOB
Hungarian Junior Champion
White Apollo Lofty - JW, BJ, BOS

Sombor National Dog Show, Serbia - 17 September 2023

Thor de la Vallée d'Ustou - CAC, BOB and BOG
Serbian Champion

White Apollo Lofty - JW, BOB and BOG2
Khyannes Houille Noire II - CAC, BOB and BOG3
Serbian Champion

Khyannes Beaumont - CAC, BOS
Khyannes Houssard 'Loup' - CAC

Sivac, CAC Serbia - 03.06.2023

- Khyannes Royale 'Royale' - CAC, BOB
- Taboo des Hauts de Rouillac 'Taboo' - CAC
- Ocatarinetabella de la Croix de l'Aiguillon 'Oca' - CAC, BOB
- Khyannes Dynamite 'Dina' - CAC, BOS
- Khyannes Duke 'Jackie' - CAC, BOB, Best of Group 3.

Judge: Tibor Bosnjak (SRB)

Royale, Oca and Taboo ezzel megszerezték a szerb championátust.



Szabadka CACIB - 2023.06.18.

- Khyannes Fantastique 'Fanny' - CAC, CACIB, BOB
- Thor de la Vallée d'Ustou 'Thor' - CAC, CACIB, BOB
- Khyannes Duke 'Jackie' - CAC, Reserve CACIB
- Khyannes Dynamite 'Dina' - CAC, Reserve CACIB

Judge: Sinisa Sancanin (SRB)

Jackie, Dina és Fanny ezekkel az eredményekkel szerb championokká avanzsáltak.

Sombor CAC, Szerbia - 2023.05.07.

- Khyannes Royale 'Royale' - CAC, BOB
- Khyannes Fantastique 'Fanny' - CAC, BOS
- Khyannes Houille Noire II ' Noleen' - CAC
- Taboo des Hauts de Rouillac 'Taboo' - CAC, BOB
- Ocatarinetabella de la Croix de l'Aiguillon 'Oca' - CAC

Judge: Ivica Boskovic (CRO)

2x CACIB Varasd, Horvátország - 2023.05.13-14.


- Ch. Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'Leon' - CAC, CACIB, BOB
- Ch. Oceane des Puys d'Auvergne 'Merci' - CAC, CACIB, BOS
Ch. Harriet Z Ziemi Lowickiej 'Polly' - CAC, CACIB, BOB

Judge: Juan Alberto Grillo Londono (CO)


Ch. Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'Devereaux' - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Ch. Gameglow Fire and Ice 'Fire' - CAC, CACIB, BOS
Ch. Ocatarinetabella de la Croix de l'Aiguillon 'Oca' - CAC, CACIB, BOB

Judge: Orietta Zilli (ITA)

Mivel annyira esett az eső hogy szabályosan sártengerben jártunk a kiállítás egész területén,
a Best in Show-t nem vártuk meg.

Ezekkel a CACIBokkal Polly, Fire and Leon megszerezte az Interchampion címet.

Szetter és pointer Klub Klub- és Open kiállítás
Dég, 2023.május 28.

White Apollo Lofty 'AJ'

Club show: kitűnő 2.

Open show: Best male 1., Reserve BOB

AJ on the left, Rozi (his sister) on the right

German pointer Club Hungary, Hunting ability test (TAN) - 01 April 2023

Judges: Tamás Kapronczai and Tamás Bíró (H)

Thor de la Vallée d'Ustou 'Thor' - TAN passed in I prize with max points
Khyannes Royale 'Royale' - TAN passed in I prize with max points
Khyannes Houille Noire II 'Noleen' - TAN passed in II prize


Kaposvar Hunting Dog Show and Saint Hubertus Hunting Dog Show - 08 April 2023

Ocatarinetabella de la Croix de l'Aiguillon 'Oca' -CAC, BOB
Taboo des Hauts de Rouillac 'Taboo' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOB
Khyannes Royale 'Royale' - 2x CAC, 2x BOB
Khyannes Houille Noire II 'Noleen' - 2x CAC, BOS
Oceane des Puys d'Auvergne 'Merci' - 2x CAC, BOS

Royale and Merci were also Best Pair in Show 3!

Advanced Bloodtracking Exam, Békéscsaba - 15 April 2023
(1000m, 24 hours)

Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'Leon' - 44/64 pts, III. prize

Well, it was not his very best search but we passed. :-P


GSP Club of Hungary, Hunting Ability Test (KV) - 19 April 2023
Judges: Kapronczai Tamás and Péter Viktória (H)

Taboo des Hauts de Rouillac 'Taboo' - 108/108 pts, I. prize
Khyannes Fantastique 'Fanny' - 99/108 pts, II. prize


Spring Field Trial and Hunting Ability Test bythe Hungarian Pointer Club
Cegléd - 2023 április 22.

Kafa od Novovice 'Coffee' - 95/100 pts TV
Artú del Zagnis 'Artú' - 99/100 pts TV

Artú ran very well on FT as well with no luck in finding a bird so he could make no points.

NDS, Szentlőrinc - 23 April 2023

White Apollo Lofty 'AJ' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOS
Harriet Z Ziemi Lowickiej 'Polly' - CAC, BOB
Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'Devereaux' - CAC, BOB
Taboo des Hauts de Rouillac 'Taboo' - HPJ, BOS
Thor de la Vallée d'Ustou 'Thor' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOB

With this result Taboo became Hungarian Junior Champion,
additionally, both Taboo and Thor passed the breeding test.
We could not wait for the Best in Show.

MDMTE, Basic Hunting Test, Martonfa - 30 April 2023

Khyannes Royale 'Royale' - 144/144 pts

Health tests

Khyannes Jean d'Arc 'Elysée' - HD pre-scan at 6 months - free of hip dysplasia
Khyannes Justine 'Chilli' -
HD pre-scan at 6 months - free of hip dysplasia
Khyannes Duke 'Jackie' - HD A, ED 0:0, OCD free, NCL és PRA rcd4 clear
Harriet Z Ziemi Lowickiej 'Polly' - NCL clear
Khyannes Halo 'Brexie' - HD A, ED 0/0

NVK Derby Test, Alattyán

Khyannes Incognito 'Audrey' - 108/108 pts
Audrey also became Hungarian Junior Champion and FCI Junior Interchampion.

Congrats to the owner, Juhász Ildikó.

FEHOVA IDS, Budapest - 09 February 2023
Judge: László Erdős (H)

Thor de la Vallée d'Ustou 'Thor' - Junior CACIB, Best Junior, Best of Breed
Taboo des Hauts de Rouillac 'Taboo' - Junior CACIB, Best of Opposite Sex
Khyannes Royale 'Royale' - CAC, CACIB, Best of Breed
Khyannes Incognito ' Audrey' - CAC, R.CACIB
Owner: Ildikó Juhász
Khyannes Houille Noire II 'Noleen' - CAC, CACIB, Best of Opposite Sex

FIELD TRIAL CACIT - Cegléd, 31 October 2022

Judges:Katalin Noveczki (H), Eszter Takács (H)

FT Solo

Mario du Pic d'Orhy 'Magic' - Very good 1

International Field Trial - Soponya
09-10. September 2022

09 September 2022

Mario du Pic d'Orhy 'MAGIC' - FT Solo - Excellent 3.

With this run, Magic obtained his FCI international working certificate.

10 September 2022

Mario du Pic d'Orhy 'MAGIC' - FT Solo - Excellent 3.

Artú del Zagnis 'Artú' - FT Derby Pair - Very good 1. / Derby Winner

Judges (both days): Dragomir Ljepoja (SRB) and Radivoje Miljkovic (SRB)

Our show successes in Serbia!

29 May 2022 - Subotica CACIB

Khyannes Dorian Gray 'DORIAN' - CAC, CACIB, BOB

Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'DEVEREAUX' - CAC, res CACIB

Khyannes Ébéne 'EBONY' - CAC, Res CACIB

Khyannes Blanche 'BLANCHE' - CAC, CACIB, BOS

11 June 2022 - Sivac CAC

Khyannes Dorian Gray 'DORIAN' - CAC, BOB
Serbian Champion!

Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'DEVEREAUX' - CAC
Serbian Champion!

Khyannes Ébéne 'EBONY' - CAC, BOS
Serbian Champion!

Khyannes Blanche 'BLANCHE' - CAC

Serbian Champion!

Artú del Zagnis 'ARTÚ' - CAC, BOB, Fajtacsoport-győztes 3
Serbian Champion!

2x CACIB Dog Show Szentlőrinc / Hungary
April 30 - 01 May 2022

April 30, Saturday

Khyannes Dorian Gray 'Dorian' - Very Good :-)
Gameglow Fire and Ice 'Fire' - CAC, CACIB, BOB

With this result, Fire became Hungarian Show Champion!

May 01, Sunday

Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'Devereaux' - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Khyannes Chasseuse 'Brie' - CAC, CACIB, BOS


Basic Hunting Test in Martonfa, Hungary
24 April 2022

We took part in another hunting test last weekend with Fire and Dorian.
It was no big deal for Fire as her knowledge and experience in hunting is much above this
level but she did not have this exam yet so I entered her.
She ended up losing only 1 point so she almost passed it with maximum scores.
It was Dorian's first exam so I was more worried about him, however, he always
did well during the training.
He did well too, he got only two 3s. With this exam he became an official stud dog.


Our latest health tests

Khyannes Dorian Gray 'DORIAN' - HD A, ED 0:0, OCD free
Khyannes Blanche'BLANCHE' - HD B, ED 0:0, OCD free
Khyannes Fantastique 'FANNY' - HD A, ED 0:0, OCD free
Khyannes Ébéne 'EBONY' - HD B, ED 0:0, OCD free
Khyannes Houssard 'LOUP' - prescanned at the age of 6 months - free of HD

Khyannes Houille Noire II 'NOLEEN' - prescanned at the age of 6 months - free of HD

Kaposvar 2x CAC national dogshow
09 April 2022

In the morning:

Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'DEVEREAUX' - CAC, Best of Breed

Khyannes Chasseuse 'BRIE' - CAC, Best of Opposite Sex

In the afternoon:

Khyannes Dorian Gray 'DORIAN' - CAC, Best of Breed
Kaposvar's Best Hunting Dog III. place

Gameglow Fire and Ice 'FIRE' - CAC, Best of Opposite Sex

Khyannes Chasseuse 'BRIE' - CAC

Harriet Z Ziemi Lowickiej 'POLLY' - CAC, Best of Opposite Sex

We did not take any photos as it was raining all day.

European Dog Show, Budapest - 29 December 2021

Khyannes Grand-duc 'FÜLÖP' - Best Puppy, KÖLYÖK EURÓPAGYŐZTES
Tulajdonos: Gyurkó Dániel
Felvezető: Póth Vivien


Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'LEON' - CAC, CACIB, BOB

Légende - CAC, Res CACIB

Pepsi del Angel de los Volcanos 'PEPSI' - CAC, CACIB, BOS

Oceane des Puys d'Auvergne 'MERCI' -

2x CAC Kaposvar

On 26 June we took part in our very first dog show after COVID. In the morning I entered Leon and Pepsi, in the afternoon it was Deverau's and Fire's turn.

Our results:

Pepsi del Angel de los Volcanos 'PEPSI' - CAC, BOS
Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'LEON' - CAC, BOB
Best Hunting Dog of Kaposvar city

Pepsi and Leon were also the Best Pair of Show

Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'DEVEREAUX' - CAC, BOB
Reserve Best Hunting Dog of Kaposvar City

Gameglow Fire and Ice 'FIRE' - CAC, BOS


18 July 2020 - Kaposvár Gundog CAC

Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'DEVEREAUX' - Junior Winner
Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'LEON' - CAC, BOS
Gameglow Fire and Ice 'FIRE' - CAC
Pepsi del Angel de los Volcanos 'PEPSI' - Junior Winner, Best Junior, BOB,
Best of Group!

20 September 2020 - Jakabszállás, CACIB

Peter Pan de Moca Croce 'DEVEREAUX' - Junior Winner, Best Junior
Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'LEON' - CAC, CACIB, BOB
Gameglow Fire and Ice 'FIRE' - CAC, CACIB
Pepsi del Angel de los Volcanos 'PEPSI' - Junior Winner

Devereaux, Pepsi, Leon, Fire

Show successes!

In the last three months we have been to a few shows.


Agard Int. Show - 30 June 2019

Ch. Khyannes Instinct de Chasse 'Hugo' - CAC, CACIB BOB
Ch. Khyannes Quartier Francais 'Saphire' - CAC, CACIB, BOS

In Serbia:

Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'Leon' - 2x Junior Winner, 2x BOB, Serbian Junior Champion
Ch. Khyannes Comet 'Komi' - 2x CAC, 1x BOB, Serbian Champion
Ch. Khyannes Flocon de Neige 'Darcy' - 2x Best Veteran, 2x BOB, Veteran Champion
Ch. Khyannes Quartier Francais 'Saphire' - 2x CAC, 1x BOS, 1x BOB, Serbian Champion
Ch. Khyannes Instinct de Chasse 'Hugo' - 2x CAC, 2x BOB, Serbian Champion
Ch. Oceane des Puys d'Auvergne 'Merci' - 2x CAC, 1x BOS, Serbian Champion

New health tests

Oceane des Puys d'Auvergne 'Merci' - HD: A/A
Olaf del Angel de los Volcanos 'Leon' - HD: A/A
Ch. Khyannes Comet 'Komi' - HD: A/A
Ch. Khyannes Dynamite 'Dina' - HD: A/A
Lincoln del Semendria Setters 'Shadow' - HD: A/A
Khyannes Duke 'Jackie' - HD: A/A
(owner: Farkas Jánosné)
Gameglow Fire and Ice 'Fire' - prescan - FREE of HD
Peter Pan de Moca-Croce - 'Devereaux' - prescan - FREE of HD

Last hunt of the season and a VAV exam

Khyannes Iton 'ITON' and Marco Polo 'MARQUIS' received their Hunting licence
after passing their VAV exam last weekend. They are now official hunting dogs.
It was a pleasure that Khyannes Romance 'MAIA JR' came all the way from Vác to hunt
with us and to take the VAV exam too. She has also passed it and I was very happy with her performance. Khyannes Quartier Francais 'SAPHIRE' has also started attending hunts with us,
this was her second actually. She was quite enthusiastic and enjoyed every minute of it. :-)